I've made a rather unfortunate decision. I've decided to begin writing down some of the thoughts which make their way through the twisted paths between my ears. My apologies to the world.
So what's with the name? I take the idea from a sermon of Joseph Ratzinger found in What it Means to Be a Christian. One part of his sermon "Are We Saved?" was quite striking:
"Will not the phrase about 'the years of salvation'- supposedly the years since Christ's birth, as opposed to those before his birth- die upon our lips, seem indeed maliciously ironic, when we think about dates like 1914, 1918, 1933, 1939, 1945- dates that denote the period of world wars in which millions of people lost their lives, often in the most horrific circumstances; dates that recall memories of appalling deeds that humanity could not have committed earlier for purely technical reasons?...When we reflect on such things, we shall simply no longer be able to divide history into ages of salvation and of iniquity. If we then extend our vision and look at what Christians (that is, those people we call 'redeemed') achieved in the world by way of iniquity and devastation, in our own century and the previous centuries, then we will be equally incapable of dividing the peoples of the world into those who are saved and those who are not...Yet when we reflect like this, it becomes plain that...Advent is not just a matter of remembrance and playing at what is past- Advent is our present, our reality...[The Church] should make us face these facts, make us admit the extent of being unredeemed"It is always Advent for us, because Christ has not fully transformed our lives. We are still waiting for his definitive coming. Not merely passively. Waiting in active passivity.
And blogging is now one of those things I do while waiting.
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